Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Making Of The Republic Of Haiti - 3644 Words

EMPIRE STATE COLLEGE THE MAKING OF THE REPUBLIC OF HAITI FROM 1492 TO 1804 THIS PAPER IS PRESENTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF THE COURSE â€Å"OTHER WORLD CIVILIZATIONS† Presented by: Luce-Josie Nicolas June 30th, 2015 Approved by: _______________ The island of Haiti, occupied by The Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic is one of several islands discovered by Christopher Columbus during his first voyage to the new world in 1492. At his arrival, Columbus established a settlement on the north coast which he named Navidad . Columbus used three boats to make this voyage possible : the Pinta, The Nina and the Santa Maria. Only Santa Maria reach the rives of America. This boat sank near the site presently known as Cap Haitien. At his arrival on the island of Haiti, Columbus found the Taino Indian They were very hospitable toward Columbus and his men. However, Christophe Colombus and his men brutalized so much the Tainos, they became violent as a direct and implicit response to the intolerance and abuse of the visitors. Columbus left his men in the America and return to Spain with sample of richess of Saint Domingue. For his second, Christopher Colunbus fought bitterly against the Indians natives, destroyed and killed thousands of them in order to settle his troops and invade the entire island. The Spanish were at that time interested in expanding their territories, spread their religious belief, and increase their gold reserve. The island wasShow MoreRelatedDominican Republic vs. Haiti1245 Words   |  5 PagesDominican Republic and Haiti: A Comparison of How One Island Has Two Complete Different Ends Dominican Republic and Haiti: A Comparison of How One Island Has Two Complete Different Ends The Hispaniola is a small island in the Caribbean which is currently composed by the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti. 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